Monday, July 18, 2011

Coach Doug (White) - PART II

After Doug's experience as a athlete-coach through the 60's, a government worker through the 70's, we see a shifting perspective of what Doug wants to do with the rest of his life. This brings us to the 80's just as the economy was coming around again he headed off to Australia and New Zeland to coach top Univeristy teams to many international competitions. He reports of getting a top 8+ to a stroke rate of 50. Which is an impressive feat within itself.

For the past 15~ years he has been back in Victoria, coaching the Senior group of motivated rowers both at The Gorge rowing club and Vic City rowing club. I have often seen middle-aged rowers come up to him at regattas and thanking him for teaching them to row when they were at University 20 years prior!

He is quiet but not reserved. People listen when he speaks; first, because he speaks so quietly, and secondly, because he has years of wisdom behind his words. I call it tough love and sometimes he lets a true frustration show through, I think it is to have a desired effect. Doug stands back to let his athletes do what they want; he generally guides or directs the direction you should go, but the athlete has the main direction. He suggests a workout plan and even though most people follow through with it, it is easy to change direction.
At the beginning of each week, he sends out an itemized seven day training schedule, often in somewhat of a pattern from week to week so we know what to expect. I appreciate his inclusion of periodized training for proper peaking in racing season.

I feel that he has been a very important person in this rowing adventure in helping me realize my potential. And for that, I can't thank him enough. Join VCRC!

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