Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Full Time

Hey, I have taken time away from the posting here, directly due to the fact that I didn't want to hype/psych my testing that occurred this week. I just wanted a regular no-pressure routine for the past 10days to get through the psychological battle that is RADAR testing.

So, as I mentioned before, the tests are as follows:
Peak Power (10 stroke max watts)
1minute (distance in metres)
2000m (time or split/500m)
6000m (time or split/500m)
60min (distance)

Also, an on-water time-trial is happening on Aug. 27th. (2000m)

Everything, so far, has worked out as planned, except for the 6000m test. There is a chance I may redo the test next Monday, which is the last possible day before the scores are submitted.

Aug. 22nd, Monday, was my first day joining "The Team" - the PanAm group training full time till the Games start in Guadalajara, Mexico on Oct. 15th. So far, I have had so much fun. It feels like summer camp, except for very hard working grown-ups. We joke a bit and tell stories, then go through a few "activites" then stop and joke a bit more and tell crazy stories... I'm having just a blast. I know that there is real physical exertion to be done for me down the road, and I need to work extra hard to catch up to the other guys, but I'm very excited for the possibilities.

The photo below is what Erg tests are like, in the Spracklin Room at the Elk Lake boat house, except all the Ergs are filled with sweaty beasts and a couple lightweights sprinkled here and there. (more on that later)

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