Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Taper Week - Pre-RADAR

This week (well, five days actually) Aug. 8-12th, is a lower-volume workout for conserving energy for the very important RADAR testing week. Starting this Sunday. The RADAR has been put together by Rowing Canada to measure overall performance on a variety of tests; Aerobic capacity w/ 60min and 6km Erg tests, Anaerobic Max power 10 stroke test, Anaerobic threshold with a 1 minute test, and the very important race distance 2000m erg test. Included in this will be an on-water time trial. The results from these six tests are compared to a "gold standard" and with a complex equation converted into points. The points are added up and need to reach a 350 cut-off. This, among other things, will determine if an athlete becomes "carded" and obtains funding.

I'm very excited to get the testing started... I feel very good going into this round of testing, as compared to last time. This is the most important RADAR testing for me so-far. To supplement income (and pay student loans) it is very important to qualify for some funding.

Sunday, Aug. 14th: 60min test (Erg)
Tuesday, Aug. 16th: 6km Test (Erg)
Thursday, Aug. 18th: Peak-Power & 1min test (erg)
Aug. 22 - 2km Erg Test: with other National Team athletes
Aug. 27 - 2km on-water Time Trial (Burnaby or Elk Lake TBA)

The 60 minute test, also called the "Hour of Power" is the least important (worth the least amount of points) but for me, is the most grueling. Who wants to sit on an indoor-rowing machine for 60minutes? Sweating profusely, no breaks for water or food. This will be my kryptonite and biggest chanllenge yet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Derek,
    Got my letter this week about your future plans. So sad to lose you as my chiropractor but super excited for you as you move closer to your goal!! Good luck on the RADAR testing. Make your Olympic dream come true!
