Friday, December 2, 2011

Testing the Limits (December)


The winter is here to stay. At least I hope it is with the current balmy Victoria weather. The nights have been clear with crispy frozen windows to scrape in the early morning but after 9am the sun is out warming up everything. Today I actually saw people walking to the PISE gym in (short) shorts. Did the hemispheres switch and we are now south of the tropic of Capricorn?

The training program has been materializing excellently into a consistent day-by-day base training workout program. Nearing the end of this week I have reached a new level of exhaustion. Deep down, however, I really enjoy the draining feeling with soreness in [all] my muscles. I know I must be improving or at least, in theory, should be.

We have spent many workouts just maintaining a consistent aerobic level hitting the range of 140-160 bpm heart rate. Each piece I try to hold [read: hold-on] the same level of intensity and getting into a rhythm. My limiting factor recently has been my own mind - the mental aspect of pulling as hard as I can without blowing-up halfway through the workout. Testing the limits I would say. Below is a shot of Kenny Wu, the lwt RCA coach, with Travis and John on a recovery between pieces.

Below is a shot of the "New" erg centre @ PISE that we are now training in 3x/week.

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